Digitize your SME with the help of the Digital Kit Program (know the initiative)
You can obtain aid in the amount of 2,000, 6,000, or 12,000 euros, depending on the size of your company (if your company has up to 2, 9, or 49 employees respectively).
What type of solutions can you implement?
Click to see more details:
- Website and online presence.
- E-commerce.
- Virtual office services.
- Secure communications.
- Cybersecurity.
- Customer management.
- Process management.
- Business Intelligence and Analytics.
- Electronic invoicing.
- Social media management.
You will find all the information about the aid and how to get it at:
- BOE: https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2021-21873
- https://red.es/es
- https://acelerapyme.gob.es/
Helpful concepts.
- The expenses incurred by the beneficiary for the adoption of the digitalization solutions available in the Catalog of Digitalization Solutions of the Program that, without a doubt, respond to the nature of the subsidized activity.
- The Value Added Tax, the Canary Islands General Indirect Tax or the Tax on Production, Services and Imports that accrue in the adoption of digitalization solutions will not be considered eligible, in accordance with article 31.8 of Law 38/ 2003, November 17, General Subsidies.
- In no case may the cost of acquiring the services or products be higher than the market value, in accordance with the provisions of article 31.1 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
- The activities excluded in article 11.2 of this Order will not be eligible for subsidies.
- Additionally, the following types of expenses are NOT considered eligible for subsidies:
- Taxes on the income of individuals or companies, as well as other taxes and fees, national, regional, or local;
- The interest on debts;
- Late payment interest, surcharges and administrative and criminal sanctions;
- Expenses derived from judicial procedures;
- Financial expenses;
- Infrastructure and civil works expenses;
- Land;
- Hardware;
- Telecommunications and Internet connectivity services;
- Expenses related to compensation for work provided by third parties to obtain this aid (expenses for the provision of advisory, management, or similar services).